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Can I subscribe at any time as a co-subscriber?
Can I subscribe at any time as a co-subscriber?

As Sharesub's co-subscriber, exit a 24-hour subscription after joining a share. It's safe and easy!

Julianne avatar
Written by Julianne
Updated over a week ago

Yes, 24 hours after joining a subscription. Pass this security period, you can leave a share at any time!

We recommend that co-subscribers leave shares at the end of the month.

By leaving the subscription, you give up the service and immediately lose your access, and your payment will not be renewed the following month.

To see how to cancel your subscription, please follow the steps listed in the following article.

If you encounter an issue with the subscription and could not perform the service, you need to open Claim to get a refund.

Please note that contacting our operators does not act as an opening of a claim.

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