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How many subscriptions can I share on Sharesub? 🧮
How many subscriptions can I share on Sharesub? 🧮

Is there a limit on how many subscriptions Sharesub can be shared as owners? How does it work?

Julianne avatar
Written by Julianne
Updated over a week ago

Share as many subscriptions as you like on Sharesub!

However, in some cases, a number fixed by our system limits users to sharing identical subscriptions (or subscriptions of the same brand). If the quota has been reached, the following message appears:

Error message when sharing subscription

Boundaries are automatic. Sharesub invites owners to wait weeks before attempting to share again.

Customer support is not able to notify the property owners of a specific date for shipment.

As a reminder, with Sharesub, no fee on refunds, connected with users or collects savings from your shares! Transfers to your bank account are free and automatic once the required threshold is reached.

To share a subscription on Sharesub, you must impede by the Direct subscriber. Proof of ownership can be requested from you.

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